How we all hope that this new month of September would be a restart of a normal time as students and families prepare for college, back to school and work schedule. Jesse Tam, what changes we must make today to have mostly online courses and schooling beginning from home this fall. Teachers and staff are making the necessary adjustments to prepare this year of education in a very different manner. The distractions will be a part of the regular day as we all must spend more hours with working from home to maintain distancing and health safety for our families and the virus spread in our local communities.
A good education is the foundation for the future. Learning is a process that continues over daily as we find new knowledge either exploring through the internet, meeting people, interaction with family, friends and so much more. Everyday can be a restart if you set a postive focus and mindset. Create your own skills by observing, listening, mentoring, reading or listen to pod cast, do something different and explore.
Almost everything will restart itself if you unplug it for awhile. Reboot yourself, take care of your health, eat and maintain regular outdoor activities, exercise and set aside quiet time to relax your mind. Change can be a slow process but it can be reached with constant effort. The classes online learning will be manged by many and some will take a longer time to process the new technology. It may be frustration without groug interaction and help, but keep striving to continue and reach out for help for others. Change is also a learning process for many of us...
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