Feb 13, 2017

Winter Storm and Travel Snarled

Winter storm and travel snarled with Jesse Tam Seattle.  February's unpredictable weather dumped a few inches to over 2 feet of snow in Seattle and the surrounding Puget Sound area. What a surprise when the city becomes blanked in white.  The snow caused business, college and school closures for several days.  Some neighborhoods awoke to power outage due to fallen branches, trees, heavy snow and landslides.

Storms hit New England with up to two feet of snow creating traffic hazards, slick roads and slowdown in the region.  Blizzard warning continues from New York to Maine.  Close to one thousand flights were canceled due to blowing wind and heavy snow.  Residences were warned to stay off the road unless necessary to venture outdoors.

The West Coast continues to get drenched with heavy rain and quick snow melt in the Sierra mountains which led to flooding in parts of Nevada and Southern California.  The weather service has called this the wettest winter season in more than 100 years

Thanks for reading  https://jesse-tam.blogspot.com/  Jesse, keep safe on the road.