Nov 23, 2021

Be Involved, Show Gratitude

November is the month of gratitude no matter where you live. Jesse Tam, the pandemic is affecting many of the businesses locally, work places, families and friends. Many of us are finally able to venture out with friends and bring back some live activities in our local communities. It's a time to reflect on giving thanks and the gratitute we can express towards those involved in our daily lives.

Gratitude can help and improve our overall level of health and decrease stress in our well being.  It's an active process which we can all learn and practice with very simple things: Start a gratitude journal. Start a gratitude journal. 

Share gratitude with other people, write a note and smile to those who pack grocery, delivery people, small and local businesses. Show your gratitude and appreciation by giving back to the community. Act without reward, pay it forward.

Show gratitude to others by showing up and being present. Clear your mind and put the phone away when you are with people. Be grateful for what you already have, grow it and spread it. Stay healthly and safe this holiday season, Jesse