Dec 2, 2020

Season of Gatherings

This season of gatherings during the holidays are rather different without friends or family celebrations this year in 2020.  Jesse Tam, during this time of year many of us are volunteering at the foodbanks or helping our communities or seniors who may need assistances.  Thanksgiving time for many were spent with fewer people traveing to visiting families local or far away.  Our meals were shared with just a few or possibly staying at home as we try to keep healthly from the challenging virus.  

The challenges are ways for us to keep awake and make changes to new ideas and adjust to face what lies ahead.  Changes can become opportunities. Take time to gather new insight, learn new skills and refresh ideas for times ahead.  Seasons will come and go; therefore, all of us must make adjustments to seek out new things and see things with an open mind.  

Stay in contact with those friends and families whom you may not have reached out to for years.  It's a different way for each of us to reflect on values, work life changes and others.   A new year ahead for 2021, Jesse   Here to a December to remember, keep plugging ahead.

Sep 3, 2020

Time for a Restart

 How we all hope that this new month of September would be a restart of a normal time as students and families prepare for college, back to school and work schedule.  Jesse Tam, what changes we must make today to have mostly online courses and schooling beginning from home this fall.  Teachers and staff are making the necessary adjustments to prepare this year of education in a very different manner.  The distractions will be a part of the regular day as we all must spend more hours with working from home to maintain distancing and health safety for our families and the virus spread in our local communities.

A good education is the foundation for the future.  Learning is a process that continues over daily as we find new knowledge either exploring through the internet, meeting people, interaction with family, friends and so much more.  Everyday can be a restart if you set a postive focus and mindset.  Create your own skills by observing, listening, mentoring, reading or listen to pod cast, do something different and explore.

Almost everything will restart itself if you unplug it for awhile.  Reboot yourself, take care of your health, eat and maintain regular outdoor activities, exercise and set aside quiet time to relax your mind.  Change can be a slow process but it can be reached with constant effort.  The classes online learning will be manged by many and some will take a longer time to process the new technology.  It may be frustration without groug interaction and help, but keep striving to continue and reach out for help for others.  Change is also a learning process for many of us...

Jun 21, 2020

Rewire Your Brain

How have you been filling your days while we continue with social distancing and no group meeting?  We've started by being creative with virtual meetings, conferences and more, Jesse Tam.  Marjority of our contacts with professional assocations have continue with scheduling Zoom or conferences and courses online. It's sure easier to login on your computer and not hve to fight traffic or parking if you're working from home. Our rotary convention this year planned for Honolulu was cancelled and all events and speakers are virtual.  Time zone differenes in Chicago could mean waking up at 6 am to hear opening ceremony and speakers.

It's time for everyone to learn to adjust and change with our daily lives in work from home, limited groups, crowds, shopping, dining and more.  Make the most of what is available and show kindness to your surroundings.  It could be a challenging time for many of your local businesses, friends, co-worker and organizations. What changes can you make by reflecting on your time away from others?  Let's make a difference in our community and support each other and the local business.

Some suggestions for shopping local, order take-out when you are able and offer to help those in your neighborhood.  It's amazing what we can do to make the days better with an act of kindess or just a brief greeting or smile at the grocery store, etc.  Keep postive and spread the vibe....gratitude. 

Thanks for staying connected, Jesse

May 15, 2020

Relax and Refresh Outdoors

The time spent working remote from home limits contact with our friends, family and co-workers. Jesse Tam, maintain regular exercise and schedule time to relax with daily breaks. Find a new skill such as cooking together, new language or spruce up your music skills. Walking near your neighborhood and maintain safe distancing helps during this period. 

Cycling is great for getting around and rewarding as a sense of independence and accomplishment.  First become familiar with the rules and regulations of your city for cyclists, it's a fantastic way to see places and travel. There are many bike trails to explore from Burke Gilman, along Lake Washington or cross the bridge on I-90 and more...

Beautiful Mt Rainer is always a great place to visit.  Check the website for reopening and plan ahead for your trip and spend the day while you're there.

Feb 27, 2020

Places to Go, Plan Ahead

It's was a long gray winter in Seattle this year with a record sixty plus days with cloudy skies and no sunshine. Jesse Tam, now the welcoming sun and spring is just around the corner.  Spring break for the school kids and college will soon be here.  One of the interest places to see is the crashing waves year round along the Pacific Northwests coasts and beaches.

Take a drive to Long Beach, WA aka as the longest stretch of beach.  It's a year round places for the relaxation and exploring new nature trails.  Rent a bike, stroll or jog along the boardwalk trails with grassy path.  Enjoy a day or spend the weekend where you can go clamming ro razor clams, crabbing for Dungeness crab or fishing.  Wilapa Bay is renowned for oysters and a short drive north for a visit.

There are many shops in town to stroll along after a day at the beach for souvenirs, have an ice cream or ride some carnival rides. Pacific Avenue is where more of the action is to explore, have a great day. Jesse

" Long Beach Peninsula. Colorful kites are on show at the World Kite Museum. The Discovery Trail traces a coastal route taken by explorers Lewis and Clark. At the mouth of the Columbia River, the 1800s Cape Disappointment and North Head lighthouses overlook the Pacific Ocean. Willapa Nat  ional Wildlife Refuge has bird-rich wetlands."  Stay Connected

Jan 29, 2020

Our Fast Pace World

Kind words do not cost much. Oh, how quickly we become in this fast pace world and forget to take the time to realize what really matters. Jesse Tam, quotes to ponder. There are always another point of view, be open to listen and observe when others speak.  Be open to others who have different opinions. There are lists on the calendar as we start the new year 2020.  What are the things to see, accomplish, goals and how can they be reached.

Here are quotes to ponder and reflect.

Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true. Robert Brault
Be nice to strangers. Be nice even when it doesn’t matter. Sam Altman
Extend yourself in kindness to other human being wherever you can. Oprah Winfrey
There is no duty more obligatory than the repayment of kindness. Ciceo
When words are both true and kind, they can change the world. Buddha
To practice five things under all circumstances constitutes perfect virtue; these five are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness. Confucius
A word of kindness is seldom spoken in vain, while witty sayings are as easily lost as the pearls slipping from a broken string. George Dennison Prentice
It really shocks me when I encounter people who think kindness doesn’t matter. Because I think it’s pretty much the only thing that matters. Josh Radnor