Dec 17, 2014

Washington Apples Impact Overseas

 It was a privilege to see the fruit orchard and Yakima processing plant with Jesse Tam. Washington state apples are exported to 60 countries and provides jobs in the Yakima valley and eastern Washington. The apple industry exports 30 percent  (30%)  of its yearly harvest. How we engage in trade and doing business with other countries impacts our state economy.

Yakima Apple Orchard - Red Delicious Tree 
The average size of an orchard is about 50 acres, but some cover 3,000 acres and employ 300 or more employees year-round.  The Yakima and eastern foothills of the Cascade Mountains is the ideal area for orchard. The fields are irrigated with mountain waters.

The growers harvest a wide variety of apples including Red and Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Braeburn, Jonagold, Fuji, Gala and many others.  Farmers are continuing to improve growing methods to produce crisper, juicier and more flavor and to keep better in storage. Apples are hand picked and dwarf trees improve harvest efficiency because labor is reduced. 

Sorting Apples

Apple Processing

Packing and Processing

The Top 10 Countries (Export)  from Washington Apple Growers:
Mexico, Canada, UAE (Dubai) Taiwan, India, Indonesia
Vietnam, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, Thailand

The containers are shipped to the Ports in Seattle and Pacific Northwest cargo will head overseas.  Asia values the fresh fruits and produces from Washington for its high quality and food safety.
Visit the processing plant and orchard

Nov 17, 2014

Travel Nightmare, Storm Warning

This will be the busiest time traveling by planes, trains or automobiles to reach our  destinations for the family gatherings.  I recalled a storm when Jesse Tam missed his connection and was unable to get another flight to Seattle International airport until three days later.  Mother nature will always prevail,  but we can try to forecast and continue to hope for the best outcome. Make the most of what you have at any given time, keep smiling. Where will you stay, at the terminal.

Early snow fall for the east coast in Buffalo, New York and another storm will be barreling along the I 95 corridor beginning Wednesday from Virginia up to the New England states.  Several inches of snow accumulation will hamper those driving between Washington, DC up to   New York and Boston region.  Watch for the snow bank.  Poor visibility will required delays at the airport or flight cancellations  
Snow storm and ice on tree

Winter - Stormy - Snow - Calm -

It's difficult trying to reschedule overbooked flights during the holidays.  Imagine spending your vacation sleeping at the airport terminal. No...Please! Planning to travel to your destination during the next few days or in the near future?

 Here are a few tips for the newbies and well travelers.
  •  Pack light, 1 small suitcase can last 10-14 days
  • Carry on luggage - it will save money and time
  • No lost luggage or waiting at terminal without checked bags
  • Allow additional time for traffic delays on road and near airport terminal dropoff
  • Longer lines and higher security at times
  • Take taxi or have someone drop you off at airport, parking can be difficult
  • Bring snacks or munchies in case flights are delayed. 
  • Flights can get chilly, carry a lightweight jacket or sweater on the plane or train.
  • Empty water bottles or containers can be filled with water once you past TSA gates.
  • Reading material or additional battery pack for your electronic items.  Planes have plug in to recharge electronics on longer flights.
  • Pay attention to weather warnings.
  • Be kind at the ticket counters, you may get better service.

Happy Trails ~~Home Sweet Home~~ You Made It

Washington Opportunities - China

The current economic issues and EB5 investments opportunities created a large market from China and Asia to the Seattle region.  A tour with Jesse Tam, Yakima Orchard and famous apples from Washington. Families in China are thinking about the future of their child's education, safety in food, water, smog, pollution and traffic in the cities. 

Many large investors snapped up commercial buildings, apartments, land and houses in the Seattle area. The housing market has created bidding wars on cash offers and prices above the listed price. News confirming great livable cities such as Bellevue and our education systems has created an opportunity for the China immigrants and investors.

Yakima apple packing

Containers ready to Market

Sep 17, 2014

Asia Today

It's been awhile since the last blog, traveling in China with Jesse Tam and friends opened my eyes to the rapid changes in Asia.  The economy has been booming, tourism and more US companies.
The newest and most luxury cars to zoom around the city. The negative, major traffic issues and pollution in the cities.
More Automobiles

The growth in the Pacific Northwest, Seattle, South Lake Union, Bellevue, reminds me of the cranes visible in China each time returning home. High rise complex, office towers, multiple levels of shopping malls continue to emerge in this current market.

Land Development and High Rises